Setting up DKIM on Exim4 is pretty straight forward. Where it becomes more complex is when you want to configure a multi-domain setup with custom selector for each domain. That being said, it's still pretty easy to implement. I use ubuntu … Keep on reading
How Do WordPress Nonces Work. Really.

WordPress nonces are an easy piece of security measure you can implement into your plugins or themes to prevent your users from Cross Site Request Forgery attacks. But how do WordPress nonces really work? You heard they were valid for 24 … Keep on reading
How to Override The WordPress Template Hierarchy
The basic functionality WordPress renders the theme files using the template hierarchy. Depending on the content type, it will select the file to use to render the layout for that specific content. Looking at the visual overview of the … Keep on reading
How to revert a git commit already pushed to a remote repository
When we make a mistake and already pushed to the remote repo, we can either fix our mistake and push it again or revert and delete the history. Here's how to achieve both. History remains Alternative 1: Fix and commit again No need to … Keep on reading
All You Need to Know About Content Restriction on WordPress
One topic that I often see coming up is how to restrict a certain category, tag, topic, post type, custom taxonomy, or what not from visitors of a WordPress site, to only people we want to allow access to. The answer is pretty simple. It … Keep on reading
How to Retrieve a Custom Post Type Capababilities
In order to retrieve a list of capabilities registered for a post type, you can use the get_post_type_object( $post_type ) function and print out it's capabilities like so $book = get_post_type_object( 'books' ); print_r( $book->cap … Keep on reading
Rename the Filter Posts List Quick Link in WordPress

If you want to register a new post status in WordPress, you can do so with the function register_post_status(). But WordPress as some predefined statuses that cannot be renamed without interfering with the core functionalities i.e. the … Keep on reading
Debugging PHP Variables
When developing you often need to verify the content of the variables you are working with but often the output is not formatted, and so hard to read. Formatting the output every single time is just too much for me so I wrote this little … Keep on reading
Filter Genesis H1 Entry Title
If you want to change h1 html tag to a h2 because you already used the h1 tag in your template, or because you need to add some classes to the entry title, use this code to filter out the output of the entry title. This snippet goes into … Keep on reading
WordPress config: Get Users Real IP When Behind a Proxy or Load Balancer

Having your WordPress site behind a Load Balancer is essential if you want to achieve High Availability (HA) for your site. But this could have some unwanted behaviours for your WP installation. One of those unwanted behaviour is not … Keep on reading